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Using the LMS portal

Getting started with the LMS portal

Initially, you will receive a ‘Welcome to LMS’ email. This will contain your username and a link to set a password for your account. 

Please bear in mind that your email link will expire, so remember to set your password before the time specified in the email. Once you have set your details you will be able to log in.

Key information

How do I accept the terms and conditions?

You will need to accept the LMS Booking Terms and Conditions via the portal before being able to upload any timesheets. For more information about how to read and accept these terms and conditions, read this quick guide.

What is the URL for the LMS portal?

Timesheet deadlines

Please ensure timesheets are emailed to us at prior to 9am on Monday morning. We will then upload your timesheets to the platform for processing. Once your timesheet has been uploaded to the LMS portal by Maxxima, your line manager at the Trust will need to approve it by the Trust authorisation deadline to ensure you are paid on time. Please speak to your consultant for details. If approved on time, you will receive payment within the same week.

If you require support with your timesheet, please reach out to us on the email address above or speak to your consultant.

Timesheet statuses explained

On the LMS portal, you’re able to view the status of your timesheets once you have submitted them. There are four different statuses as follows:

  • Unsubmitted – Timesheet is not completed/submitted 

  • Authorised – Timesheet has been authorised for payment

  • Billed – Timesheet has been paid 

  • Disputed – Timesheet has been disputed by trust/approver


How to access and view your payslip on LMS will differ from trust to trust due to their differing payroll systems. In order to understand how this will work for you, please contact to request the correct contact details for your Trust.

Pension options

You will be automatically opted in for the NHS pension scheme ONLY if you are working at Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust (MSET). If you are working at another Trust you will not be opted in.

If you are working at MSET for this assignment, being automatically opted in will lower your rate in line with substantive members of staff. If you decide you want to opt out of the NHS pension scheme, please contact to request an opt out form and copy in your consultant.

Ensuring you are on the correct tax code

To ensure you are on the correct tax code, please complete the HMRC starter form and return it to us along with the P45 from your previous role via email at This is the best way to ensure you are on the correct tax code and therefore, paying the correct amount of tax.

Further support

You can find answers to the most commonly asked questions here. If you struggle to find the answer you are looking for the team at LMS will be happy to help. You can contact them on 01756 708 579 or

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